PRESENTE! is an independent documentary following the journey of Magda Gomes, a young Black woman born in Rocinha, the second-largest favela in Brazil. Actively organizing in her community since she was a teenager, Magda has volunteered for many social projects and begun several of her own. Today, after a brief period working as a parliamentary aid at the Rio de Janeiro City Council, she is contemplating her next move.

Seeking role models and inspirations, Magda looks to several other Black women who have risen up in the world of Brazilian politics following the shocking murder of city councilwoman Marielle Franco, known for her human rights advocacy and fight against police brutality. These women include Anielle Franco, Marielle’s sister, founder of the Marielle Franco Institute, and the current Minister of Racial Equality in President Lula’s administration; Talíria Petrone, one of the main Black female political leaders of the country, who has served two terms as a city councilwoman and two terms as a federal congresswoman; and Mônica Francisco, a progressive Evangelical pastor who was unable to win reelection upon completing her first term as a state congresswoman.

Within a hostile political environment where they face frequent threats and their voices and bodies are under constant attack, these women continue fighting to keep Marielle’s legacy alive.


Supported By

Sundance • WIF • Women Make Movies • Points North Institute • DOC-SP • AXS Film Fund • NYSCA Grant • NALIP (Latinx Media Market) • NALAC Arts Fund


Victoria's Secret: TheTour'23 (feature film)